Stuffed Gourmet Pretzels Shirt and Label

One thing I love about being a Graphic Designer is all of the different types of things I get to create! I love designing, and I love trying new things. Lately, I have been working with Stuffed Gourmet Pretzels LLC (you can visit their website at ). I worked on some shirts for a bazaar they did, which you can see here:

I heart pretzels. Stuffed Gourmet Pretzels!

The latest item I designed for them is a label for some promotional buckets they are working on. These turned out cute and I can’t wait to see them in action!

Stuffed Gourmet Pretzels

Right now, I’m working on their business cards and can’t wait to share the final version with you!

If you are looking for a promotional package, business cards, forms, flyers or more, contact me today!

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