Hello all, I’m terrible at this blogging thing. I need to rectify that. Anyways, life is insane, and we have been doing virtual school for almost a year now due to Covid! Our youngest is thriving, it is amazing to see. He started the year off below grade level for reading, but has jumped three levels and is now at grade level. It’s been hard, it’s been a lot of work, but we are doing it!
Enough about that though, this post is about design. I was approached by the local WeCare to create a flyer for their Bake Sale. I had fun with this one, as it’s not my normal type of design, and I decided to try some new stuff and have fun with it! I am excited I got to create it, and hope to be able to make more fun flyers soon. If you are in town, check it out and even donate!
Here is my flyer, let me know what you think!