Day 3 of the kids being home, and home schooling them. I feel like I forgot stuff today, but that’s okay, they’re still learning! Peyton did his math work without a problem, and told me tonight he’s doing it first thing in the morning so he can be done and then play all day!
Hayden got some new work from his teacher, so he will be a bit busier now. I like that she is posting links and videos, and giving them work. He needs a bit of a challenge! He is moving right along though, even though I can’t get him to write a journal about life during Covid-19. I’ll try again tomorrow!
Russ took the boys out today and they learned how to find items to start a fire. They also learned other nature skills they would need to survive outside, and found signs of a predator in our yard. They found the droppings with berries, and narrowed it down to a coyote or fox. So, our cat is in for a bit whether she likes it or not!
Tonight’s dinner was Broccoli Cheddar stuffed Chicken and Mac and Cheese. I really liked the chicken! You can find that recipe here: Broccoli Cheddar Stuffed Chicken ( I didn’t make the rice).
After dinner, mom did her art project for the boys. I made them ninja masks. Now Peyton wants the whole costume! They loved them! Here they are wearing them for game night! They’re also showing off their ninja stars that dad made them last night! Maybe tomorrow I’ll be motivated to make a costume, or find the right clothing in the closet for one!

Before bed tonight, we played Scrabble kids edition. Peyton beat us! After that was Would you Rather game where dad beat everyone! It was fun, and I love listening to Peyton as he learns reading. He is getting better and better every day!